How to turn of read receipt on instagram?
In today’s article we will talk about read receipt on Instagram. In today’s article, we will know whether we can turn off read receipt on Instagram? If yes then how? And if not, why?
Can i turn off read receipt on instagram? So the answer is no. You can not turn off read receipt on instagram.
But don’t take tension. In today’s article, I will tell you some such method, with the help of which you can read the message sent by your friends and your friends will not even know whether you have seen his message or not.
So let’s know that “how to turn of read receipt on instagram?“
How to Prevent Instagram Friends From Knowing You Read Their Message
To use this feature, you have to follow the steps given below.
Step 1. First of all you open the instagram app.
Step 2. After this you go to the messenger section. At that time internet connection should be on in your mobile.
Step 3. After this you enable Airplane mode by turning off the internet.
Step 4. After this, read the message sent by your friends.
Step 5. After this you come back.
After this your friends will not even know that you have read his message.
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