How to find MAC address on iPhone in 2022 (Simplest Way)

Computer, mobile is a machine. These devices connect to each other with the help of network. Which is connected to the internet. In such a situation, we can easily use browsing, call, internet. How to find MAC address on iPhone in 2022?

When electronic devices were made, earlier people had this fear that if everyone’s address is connected to the same network, then the issue can arise. Therefore MAC address has been made it is a unique number.

In today’s article, we will know how to find MAC address on iPhone?

What is MAC address?

The full form of MAC is Media Access Control. We also know it by its other names (Physical Address, Hardware Address). This MAC address is found in all electronic & network devices. And this is a unique address of all network devices.

MAC address is a hardware identification number of all network devices. Therefore this address is a unique number. No two or more than two devices have the same MAC address.

How to find MAC address on iPhone in 2021

MAC address is found in six pairs. It can be written in three ways.


MAC address is written in this way.

Whenever we want to connect one device to another device, then MAC address is required at that time. Every device has a permanently unique MAC address. which cannot be changed.

Advantage Of MAC address

Now the question must be coming in the mind of many people that what is the benefit of MAC address after all? Let us now clear this doubt of yours as well.

– This MAC works exactly like GPS. By chance If your device is called or stolen, then you can track your device with its help.

– You can block any particular device with its help. Due to which that device cannot be connected to your phone, computer in future.

– With the help of MAC address, we can connect one device to another device.

How to find MAC address on Android devices

Step 1. Open setting on your android device

Step 2. Tap on connections options

Step 3. open WI-FI option

Step 4. Click on more option. In some devices more option are not given. In those device give advance option. Click on it.

Step 5. Now you can see you MAC address on android device.

How to find MAC address on iPhone

If you want to know the MAC address of your iPhone, then follow the steps given below.

Step 1. Tap on setting and select general option

You open the Settings app on your iPhone. After the Settings app is open, scroll down a bit. Now click on General option.

Step 2. Click on about option

In the general setting, you will get the option of about on the first number itself. Click on that option.

Step 3. MAC address will be listed on wi-fi address

The MAC address of your device will be found in the Wi-Fi address. Wi-Fi address and Bluetooth have the same MAC address.


This is the simplest way to find MAC address on iPhone. In this article i have told to you how to find MAC address on android device. I hope do you like this article “how to find MAC address on iPhone”.

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